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اعمال فیلتر

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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از زمانی که جرج لیکاف و مارک جانسون در کتاب استعاره هایی که با آنها زندگی می کنیم (1980م. )بحث استعاره مفهومی را مطرح کرده اند، نزدیک به چهار دهه می گذرد که در این سال های نسبتا طولانی، نظریه آنان طرفداران بسیاری یافته و در بررسی های زبانی و پژوهش های ادبی فارسی نیز نگاه به اندیشه این دو زبان شناس آمریکایی، جایگاه ویژه ای پیدا کرده است. در این مقاله، ابتدا اشاره ای به این نکته می شود که این دو صاحب نظر، درواقع مبدع و بنیان گذار استعاره مفهومی نبوده اند و همان طور که ریچاردز گفته است، سابقه این گونه از استعاره به زمانی بسیار دورتر بازمی گردد؛ سپس، به مدد دیدگاه های صاحب نظران اسلامی و غربی بلاغت و تعاریفی که از استعاره ادبی و استعاره مفهومی به دست داده اند، به تفاوت های این دو نوع از استعاره پرداخته می شود تا بر این نکته تاکید شود که هر یک از این دو تعریف از استعاره باید در جای خود پذیرفته شوند و نمی توان با پذیرش یکی، دیگری را نادیده گرفت. یکی دانستن این دو مقوله، ارزش ذاتی و استقلال هر دو را مختل می کند و حتی ممکن است ذهن را به انتخاب یکی و نادیده گرفتن دیگری واردار کند؛ همچنان که این اتفاق کمابیش رخ داده است، یا دست کم کسانی به دنبال رقم زدن چنین اتفاقی بوده اند. از یک سو، اصرار جرج لیکاف در مقاله «نظریه معاصر استعاره» (1993م. ) برای نادرست دانستن تعریف های سنتی استعاره و از سوی دیگر، اقبال شیفته واری که طی سالیان اخیر به استعاره مفهومی شده است، از علل شکل گیری این مقاله بوده اند. با این حال، در این نوشته، با دیده انکار به هیچ یک از دو مقوله نگاه نکرده ایم و برای تثبیت جایگاه هر دو مفهوم تلاش شده است. بنابراین، دستاوردهای استعاره مفهومی، هم در زبان و هم در ادبیات تبیین شده و این نتیجه حاصل شده است که این گونه نوظهور، بدون آنکه عرصه را بر استعاره ادبی تنگ کند، می تواند در پژوهش های زبانی و ادبی، ابزار بسیار مناسبی باشد.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 2383

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Mansouri Gholamreza

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In some point of view, neither Michel Foucault nor Ibn Khaldun are considered philosophers in the conventional classifications, but both are very  important in intellectual and, of course, in philosophical contexts, especially for those who are interested in the deep study of human life from the perspective of political thought.The main concern of two thinkers, one in the 14th century, the other in the 20th century, is the issue  of power, although neither of them provided a precise definition of it. In this article, an attempt has been made to show the place of power and domination in the political thought of both thinkers by examining the thoughts of two thinkers. And in search of an answer to this question, how did Asabiyyah and industry of religion in Ibn Khaldun's thought and social control through self-technology and discipline in Foucault's thought lead to the expansion of the domination of power? This article is written by analytically comparing the opinions of two thinkers based on Ibn Khaldun's most important book called Muqaddimah and Foucault's late works

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 102

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One of the most frequent rules in various areas of demonstrative jurisprudence of Two Major Sects of Islam religion is a rule that is known among Shīʿa as “tolerance in the evidence of traditions” (Arabic: التسامح فی أدلّة السنن) and in Sunnī as “latitudinarianism in documents” (Arabic: التساهل فی أسانید). Believers in the general application of this rule have based it for reasons such as consensus (Arabic: إجماع), tradition famous through practice (Arabic: الشهرة العملیّة), and rational judgement (intellectual judgement) and a group of aḥādīth (Arabic: أحادیث, plural form for ḥadīth, literally “talk” or “discourse”) called “Akhbar-e- Man Balagh” (Arabic: أخبار من بلغ). The understanding of the aforementioned narrations and the extent of application of this rule has caused a conflict of opinions among scholars. The narrations containing the excellences of suras of the Holy Book of Quran is one of the fields of application of the rule of tolerance. The present research has explained the types of exposure to this group of narrations based on the rule of tolerance by using descriptive-exploratory method and using library sources and seeks to find a suitable approach about narrations of the excellences of suras (chapters) of the Holy Book of Quran. The interaction with these narrations is organized based on a special reading of the rule of tolerance in the selected approach, which is based on a rational interpretation of the contents of Man-Balagh (Arabic: من بلغ)’s narrations and is compatible with the indications of some verses and traditions. The use of weak narrations containing the excellences of suras (chapters) will be permissible based on this approach considering three conditions and without any certainty of attributing these narrations to Sharʿ (Islamic rules).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 28

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

صفوی کوروش

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    1 (پی در پی 144)
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در نوشته حاضر ، سعی بر آن است معلوم شود چه عامل یا عواملی در مرگ استعاره و واژگانی شدن مفهومی استعاری دخیل است. برای نیل به این هدف ، ابتدا به آنچه در میان محققان به مثابه تعریفی برای استعاره ذکر شده است ، اشاره خواهد شد. سپس کوشش خواهد شد ، به فرآیند شکل گیری استعاره اشاره شود و معلوم گردد تفاوت میان "استعاره زنده" و "استعاره مرده" چیست و چگونه استعاره ای زنده به چند معنایی واژگانی تغییر هویت می دهد و به فرهنگهای لغت راه می یابد.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 4166

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Qasemi Firouzabadi Narges | Rahimi Sayyidah Vahideh | Rahman Setayesh Muhammad Kazem

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How to profoundly change the beliefs of the polytheists during the age of revelation from the denial of the Prophet (pbuh) to the certainty of his Message and the acceptance of his full guardianship is a question worthy of attention. The order of verses about prophecy based on the order of revelation is the reason to lead a transformative process and a special Quranic method in institutionalizing the belief of prophecy in the lives of Arabs. In the first stage, the Holy Quran in the first Makkī (Arabic: المکّیّ, suras revealed in Mecca) chapters has prepared the community from the motivational side to accept the truth of the Prophet’s (pbuh) prophecy and briefly stating the key issues surrounding it. The Holy Book of Quran at the time of the emergence of oppositions and doubts (the second stage) destroyed the arguments of the polytheists and explained the prophecy and proved its authenticity from a cognitive perspective in the second stage by presenting clear arguments. and the Holy Book of Quran in the third stage after Madanī (Arabic: المدنیّ, suras revealed in Medina) period has undertaken measures in order to fulfill the goals of the Massage by explaining the true position of the Prophet (pbuh) to deepen and operationalize the Prophetic belief through explaining practical duties for the Prophet (pbuh) and behavior based on the acceptance of Walaya (Arabic: ولایة, meaning “guardianship” or “governance”).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 72

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Fazeli Ahmad | Omidzamani Hediye

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Considering the fact that the words in the intra-religious attitude are considered in two ways, the first is towards jurisprudential words and the second is a rational and conceptual view focusing on their meanings. we have tried to deal with one of the most important issues of intra-religious attitude with a rational approach by descriptive and analytical method, which is the category of "hermeneutic interpretation" of words, especially the most influential idea of interpretation & that is the view of the "spirit of meaning" of Ghazali. After Ghazali, Ibn Arabi used this theory of Ghazali regarding the development of meaning in creating his new idea, and by re-reading Ghazali's idea with a mystical approach, he presented his own theory regarding the expansion of meaning. While accepting the argument of the focal point of the theory of the spirit of meaning, he removes it from the exclusivity to the "linear", and for this purpose, he brought up arguments as well as the Conditions of Hermeneutic Interpretation in this regard. Ibn Arabi's arguments on transversal interpretation include new formulations in the argument, which after him, this theory was favored and accepted by Mulla Sadra, and then it was accepted by his students.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 84

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

میری محمدسعید


زبان پژوهی

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فهم معنای زبانِ انسان برای ماشین همواره با چالش هایی رو به رو است. استعاره نیز یکی از موضوع های دشوار در پردازش معنایی است. درک استعاره در ارتقا و توسعة فعالیت های حوزة پردازش زبان طبیعی اهمیت فراوانی دارد. مقالة حاضر به معرفی روشی برای شناسایی استعاره ها در زبان فارسی می پردازد. هدف این مقاله، پیشنهادِ شیوه نامه ای است که به کمک آن بتوان پیکره ای برای استعاره های فارسی تدوین کرد. برای انجام چنین کاری نیاز است که ملاک هایی برای شناسایی و برچسب گذاری استعاره معرفی شود. روال شناسایی استعاره ی دانشگاه آزاد آمستردام (ام. آی. پی. وی. یو) می تواند انواع استعاره را شناسایی کند و در ساخت پیکرة استعاره نیز از آن می توان بهره برد. مبنای مقالة حاضر نیز همین روال شناسایی است. بهره گیری از این روال از دو جهت مفید است: نخست، به کمک این روال می توان پیکره ای از استعاره های فارسی تهیه کرد، دوم، به پژوهشگران حوزة استعاره، به ویژه زبان شناسان پیکره ای، کمک می کند که با روایی و پایایی مطلوبی استعاره های فارسی را تحلیل کنند. لازم به گفتن است که برای آزمودن کارآیی روال پیشنهادی، پیکره ای از داده های فارسی (متون خبری و دانشگاهی) گردآوری و توسط سه کارشناس برچسب گذاری شده و یافته های مطلوبی (ضریب کاپای 0. 964) به دست آمده است که در پژوهشی جداگانه به آن خواهیم پرداخت.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 148

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Literary Research

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Since a long time ago, allegory has been discussed as a significant issue in philosophical and literary domains. And as a matter of fact, scholars, thinkers and literary men have studied it since the golden days of the Greek civilization. Nowadays as a result of the growth and development of linguistics, METAPHOR has seen a particular attention as a mental-lingual process by the linguists; that is especially the cognitive linguists. According to linguists, METAPHOR is a device for reflection, comprehension and recognition of abstract concepts. In this article the author introduces the modern views in this scope with emphasize on the opinions of cognitive linguists; especially George Likav, and further on introduces METAPHOR in Gheysar Aminpour's poetry in his last book of poetry entitled "The Grammar of Love". While Licav emphasizes on the contemporary theories, he uses METAPHOR in a different concept; in other words mapping between the realms in a conceptual system.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 257

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A B S T R A C TThe present study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting improving the quality of urban housing. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the research was the residents of 8 residential complexes of Atabak neighborhood in District 15 of Tehran. Based on Cochran's formula, 384 questionnaires were distributed among residents. Finally, 380 complete and error-free questionnaires were collected. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, the validity of which was verified in the form of face and face validity, as well as divergent validity and reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. Analysis of data and information was done using SPSS and PLS software. The findings of this research showed physical quality with a path coefficient of 0.368, the variable of access to urban services with a path coefficient of 0.339, the variable of housing social conditions with a path coefficient of 0.169, and environmental quality with a path coefficient of 0.302 has a positive and significant impact on housing quality. According to the path coefficient obtained for the research variables, the amount of their impact on housing quality is evaluated as average. Among the identified factors, the factor of physical quality with a path coefficient of 0.368 has the most significant impact, and the factor of access to urban services with a path coefficient of 0.339 is ranked second. Also, this factor has a positive and significant effect on the physical quality factor of housing.Extended AbstractIntroductionAtabak neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods of District 15 of Tehran. In this neighborhood, physical changes have been made according to the interventions of the Tehran municipality in line with the implementation of the urban landscape plan and organized (inflow of private sector capital) in different years so far. Along with these interventions, the inadequacy of infrastructure and services to meet the population's needs has become this neighborhood's basic problem. Attention to its qualitative aspect needs to be addressed. This matter is important from the point of view of providing the city's basic needs, equitable distribution of facilities and resources, reducing urban inequalities, improving economic-social indicators, preventing unbridled and unplanned expansion, and ultimately improving the quality of life of the people. It demands that the quality of housing and the factors affecting it be evaluated and that a double effort be made to improve it, and it can provide a suitable context for providing suitable models of housing quality for citizens. Considering the mentioned cases, this research aims to answer the question:- What are the effective factors in improving the quality of housing? MethodologyThe current research is descriptive-analytical. In terms of purpose, it is in the category of applied research. Two library and field methods have collected the information needed for this research. In the field method, primary data collection has been done according to the research questions by designing a 5-scale Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical population of the study was the residents of Mobaat, Minabi, Atabek, Shahrak Sajjadieh, Yas, Zahid Gilani, Shahid Asadi, and Safa residential complexes located in Atabak neighborhood of District 15 of Tehran. The statistical population was equal to 20469 people, and based on Cochran's formula, 384 questionnaires were distributed among residents. Finally, 380 complete and error-free questionnaires were collected; the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed in the form of face and face validity as well as divergent validity. In order to check the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability were used, and according to the results presented in the research findings section, the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. The data obtained from this research were analyzed using structural modeling using SPSS and PLS software. Results and discussion This research showed that physical quality has a positive and significant effect on improving housing quality; according to the value of the obtained path coefficient, which is equal to 0.368, the value of this effect is considered moderate. Based on the results, it can be said that physical dimensions, such as the physical crystallization of housing, are the most objective and material issues in housing evaluation, analysis, and planning. Concerning the impact of access to urban services on the quality of housing, the findings indicated a significant impact of access to urban services. In explaining the results of this section, it can be said that gradually, the housing is changing from a single purpose to a shelter. Those other aspects of welfare and social comfort are also added; the limits of enjoying services and access to the essentials of life are shown to evaluate the housing quality. These indicators are very important in determining housing quality and are an integral part of housing planning. Access to urban housing services is considered one of the main indicators of life, which the Population Crisis Committee has used to measure quality in the world's metropolises. In relation to social conditions and environmental quality on the quality of housing, the results of this research confirmed the impact of the social environment and environmental quality on the quality of housing. Creating residential spaces is a topic that has been discussed previously. From the beginning, human beings have tried to create a favorable living environment that matches the quality conditions of their residence's social and environmental environment. ConclusionThis research was written to explain the factors affecting improving the quality of urban housing. The findings of this research showed that among the studied factors, the physical quality factor with a path coefficient of 0.368 has the most significant impact on improving the quality of urban housing in Tehran, such that this factor can explain 13.5% of the variance of the housing quality condition variable. Physical quality is defined based on the structural basis of a building and is often defined in the form of rules and standards related to it. The physical quality is sometimes interpreted as the appearance of buildings. Since they are fixed and real things, they are the reason for the emergence of general indicators for housing evaluation. The second factor is access to urban services with a path coefficient of 0.339, so this factor can explain 11.4% of the variance of the housing quality condition variable. This factor has been ranked second regarding the impact on housing quality according to the path coefficient value obtained. In third place was the factor of environmental quality with the path coefficient value of 0.302, and this factor can explain 1.9% of the variance of the variable of housing quality. Moreover, in the last place is the factor of housing social conditions, which has a path coefficient of 0.196. Also, from the other results of this research, we can mention the positive effect of access to the quality of urban services on the improvement of the physical condition of housing, and the value of the path coefficient obtained for this effect is equal to 0.623 so that it is 38.8% of the variance of the variable. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionThe authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approthe contenttent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of InterestThe authors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 80

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از آنجایی که استعاره در زبان رخ می دهد، می تواند برای شناخت ایدئولوژی ابزار مناسبی باشد.انتخاب استعاره های متفاوت در متن توسط کاربران زبان، نشان دهنده ایدئولوژی غالب کاربران است، در عین حال ایدئولوژی های متفاوت درجهت نهادینه کردن باورهای بنیادینشان می توانند به تولید استعاره های متفاوت دست بزنند. در این مقاله، از راه بررسی کارکردهای استعاره در دستگاه ایدئولوژی و همچنین نقش استعاره در بافت اجتماعی پیوند میان استعاره و ایدئولوژی مطالعه می شود.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1844

مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesدانلود 1003 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesاستناد 1 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesمرجع 0
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